Happy New Year To All!

Lots of new things for the New Year!  We spent 11 days up at the cabin over Christmas break!  What a great time!  Our tradition of "Christmas at the Cabin"  was a highlight of the year again.  Ornament making, presents, turkey dinner, and family fun.  We also did a lot of snowmobiling.  Reason being, our Logan has started racing his snowmobile.  He joined World Power Sports this winter and has started snow cross.  Boy has it been fun.  Scary at times too.  Logan just loves it.  He is very aggressive and as most know, very competitive.  We entered him at the last second, he just decided he wanted to really "race" his sled.  We thought it would be something fun for him, less intense & less competitive than karate.  BOY WERE WE WRONG!  I don't think there has been a day since 3 weeks before the first race that his Grandpa has not worked on his sled.  Fixing, rotating, oiling, lubing, ect. ect.  I should say Grandpa & Grandma too.  Brian & I get to do the registration, packing, traveling & coaching.  I feel like Logan's entourage.  Anyway, he is doing great.  He has brought home 4 trophys in 5 races!  He has 3 more races to go this season not including the Nationals that are held in Lake Geneva, WI.  We are going to take him so that Brian's family will get a chance to see him race. (Brian's home town is about 30 miles from Lake Geneva.)  
We are also back into the karate scene. His first tournament of the year will be on Feb. 16th.  We are also planning on going to the U.S. Open in Disney again this year!  Busy Busy.